
The Melbourne High School Choir, directed by Candi Cooper, is a group of young talented musicians making high quality music together.  Aside from their musical endeavors, the MHS choir is willing to lend a helping hand.  They recently cleaned and organized the “MHS Clothes Closet”.  The clothes closet is a room at the school where students can find a variety of clothing items and hygiene products free of charge.  Items have been donated by students themselves, community members, and staff.  The program began 3 years ago and has continued to grow.  High school counselor Janet Yancey, stated “The closet looks amazing, and they so appreciate the choir members taking the time to make it easier for students to find what they need.”

Team building is an important aspect to the choir’s artistic medium and what a great way to build team cohesiveness while fostering self-discipline, cooperation and commitment.    

We appreciate you!