"🚀 Calling all local businesses! 🏢
Are you passionate about shaping the future of STEM careers? 🌟 We're excited to announce our upcoming STEM Career Fair and we'd love to have your company on board!
🌐 Event Details:
🗓 Date: 10/04/2023
⏰ Time: 8:30-11:30
🏫 Location: Melbourne High School
🤝 Join us as an exhibitor and:
🔬 Showcase your industry expertise
🤖 Connect with talented students and potential hires
🌍 Inspire the next generation of STEM leaders
Whether you're in tech, engineering, healthcare, or any other STEM-related field, your presence can make a significant impact on the future workforce.
Interested? Send us a message or email Tara Rush (Tara.Rush@melbourneschools.org), Abbi Smith (Abbi.Smith@melbourneschools.org), or Sadie Jenkins (Sadie.Jenkins@melbourneschools.org) for more details. Let's work together to empower the next generation of STEM superstars! 🌠
#STEMCareerFair #LocalBusinesses #STEMEducation #FutureLeaders #GetInvolved"